
Last day of Technoprobe vaccine hub

Today is the last day.
The Technoprobe vaccine hub, 1700 square meters that together with ASST Lecco we made a place for the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign, is about to close.
From April 19 to date 160,000 doses of vaccine have been administered in here (81,000 first doses, 75,000 second doses, 4,000 third doses).

It has been an exciting adventure for us made possible by a wonderful public-private partnership and especially by the great work of the doctors and volunteers who have been here every day to welcome, help and assist all the people in the area who have wanted to come and get vaccinated.


As of tomorrow, our TPI5 building will become a manufacturing site in the world of microelectronics and semiconductors… but its history will forever be linked to the beautiful humanity that has populated it during these 6 months.


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