Le Principali Società Italiane - Mediobanca

The Mediobanca Research Department presented today the 58th edition of the study on Major Italian Companies, and Technoprobe is ranked first in the list of “The top 10 dynamic companies in the Fourth Capitalism.” This category includes companies of intermediate size in the Italian economic system, which have shown growth in terms of revenue and profitability compared to both 2021 and pre-pandemic levels.

The complete PSI study analyzes the financial statements of 3,310 companies for the fiscal year 2022, categorized by their respective sectors. Specifically, it covers 2,680 industrial and service companies, 66 holdings, 27 investment companies, 26 leasing companies, 35 factoring and consumer credit firms, 372 banks, and 104 insurance companies. The research also provides an in-depth analysis of the 25 most dynamic and profitable manufacturing companies in the Fourth Capitalism, where Technoprobe has distinguished itself by securing the top spot in this ranking.

The PSI study states:
“Technoprobe (Lc), an innovative manufacturer of ‘probe cards,’ high-tech devices used to test the functionality of chips in the telecommunications, computer, and automotive sectors during their manufacturing process, has continued to be dynamic in the last edition. Its 2022 revenue, amounting to 549 million euros, showed a 186.8% increase compared to 2019, thanks to the acquisition of new market shares. Exports account for 98.2% of sales and are primarily directed towards Asia and America. The Ebit Margin stands at 37%.”

Le Principali società Italiane

To learn more about the Mediobanca PSI study (only in Italian):

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