The New Technoprobe Container

In the world of advanced technology, even solutions for containing and transporting our products are crucial elements and true technological projects.
That’s why Technoprobe has studied and designed the new home for its probe cards: The New Technoprobe Container.

Highest Degree of Functionality
Lightweight and Compact Ergonomic Design
Superior Quality Components

User Friendly through versatility
Suited for Different ProbeCard Sizes
Easy-to-use ProbeCard Clamping System

Perfectly Safe
Solid Double Layer Structure: Aluminium + ESD Permanent Antistatic Technopolymer (Ω>10^6)
Certificated and tested for shock, compression, and vibration (ISTA 2A)

Environmental Friendly
Made of Recyclable Materials (No Foams Used)
Usable also as ProbeCard Internal Handling Tray

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