Innovation Makers Club

Innovation Makers Club

Innovation Makers Club

Being together, getting to know each other, having fun, and working as a team.

Innovation Makers Club

With the Innovation Makers Club, Technoprobe offers its employees recreational activities outside the company premises to explore the local area, get to know each other better, and foster a sense of community.

From evenings out for drinks, karaoke, sports tournaments, mountain hikes, to family days out, there are numerous initiatives that involve and will continue to involve our Innovation Makers.

These initiatives are often born from the desires, suggestions, and ideas of our employees and are then turned into proposals for everyone to enjoy.

Monza Power Run 2023

On July 22nd and 23rd, 2023, Technoprobe embarked on the Monza Power Run adventure.
Monza Power Run means more than 2000 people, obstacles, solidarity, and team spirit…
Technoprobe participated as a sponsor, bringing together over 180 Innovation Makers ready to overcome every obstacle together.

It was the first initiative of our Innovation Makers Club.

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